Monitoring Veeam FLR sessions using PowerCLI
Veeam Backup & Replication comes with a few built-in PowerShell cmdlets. Sadly I couldn’t find a cmdlet which allows me to monitor running Veeam FLR sessions.
Keep in mind that this post only works when you run a FLR which is a non-Windows virtual machine!!
When you perform a restore, Veeam Backup & Replication will start an extra virtual machine which runs with the name VeeamFLR-SERVERNAME-randomhash. The script below will see if a restore is running for a defined amount of hours and then update you with an e-mail.
# Script to determine running Veeam FLR sessions (type: Other OS) # E-mails a small overview with open sessions with XX hours uptime # Fill in below # Set the vCenter Server address $vcenter = "hostname/ip" # Set the SMTP Server address $smtp = "" # Set the Email address to receive from $emailfrom = "" # Set the Email address to send the email to $emailto = "" # Set the Email subject $emailsubject = "Veeam FLR Session Running!" # Uptime a session can have before sending an e-mail (defined in hours) $hours = "1" # Don't change below! New-VIProperty -ObjectType VirtualMachine -Name BootTime -ValueFromExtensionProperty Summary.Runtime.BootTime -Force | Out-Null # E-mail function function Send-Mail($to, $from, $subject, $smtpserver, $body) { $mailer = new-object Net.Mail.SMTPclient($smtpserver) $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage($from, $to, $subject, $body) $msg.IsBodyHTML = $false $mailer.send($msg) } # Connect to vCenter Connect-VIServer -Server $vcenter | Out-Null # Store sessions in a variabele $runningsessions = @() # Loop through VM's starting with "VeeamFLR" foreach ($vm in Get-VM | where {$_.Name.ToLower().Contains("veeamflr")} | Select Name, BootTime) { if ($vm.BootTime -ne $null) { $boottime = [DateTime]::Parse($vm.BootTime.ToLocalTime().DateTime) $uptime = [DateTime]::Now.Subtract($boottime) $upthours = [int]::Parse($uptime.Hours) if ($upthours -gt $hours) { $runningsessions += $vm.Name + " `r`n" } } } # Only send an e-mail if there are running sessions if ($runningsessions -ne $null) { $body = "Veeam FLR report:`r`n" $body += "===============`r`n`r`n" $body += $runningsessions | Sort-Object # Send the e-mail Send-Mail -to $emailto -from $emailfrom -subject $emailsubject -smtpserver $smtp -body $body } # Disconnect from vCenter Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vcenter -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
You can automate this task by running the script as a scheduled task.